Classic Blackjack

Blackjack, with roots tracing back to French casinos in the 1700s under the name “Vingt-et-Un” (21), has evolved significantly over the centuries.

Initially brought to North America by French colonists, the game underwent various modifications to adapt to new audiences. 

The term “Blackjack” emerged from a promotional play in American casinos, where a hand of the Ace of Spades and a black Jack paid out extra. 

This variant’s simplicity and strategic depth cemented its status, leading to the classic version known and loved globally today.

Overview of Classic Blackjack

Classic Blackjack has transcended geographical and cultural boundaries to become a quintessential game in casinos worldwide. Its blend of skill, chance, and straightforward rules contributes to its enduring appeal. 

From high-end casino floors in Las Vegas and Monaco to online gaming platforms, Classic Blackjack is celebrated for its competitive edge and potential for player strategy, securing its place as a perennial favourite among gambling enthusiasts.

Basics of Classic Blackjack

The primary goal in Classic Blackjack 21 is to compile a hand that is closer to 21 than the dealer’s without going over. This simple objective belies the strategic complexity and excitement of navigating each round’s decisions, making it accessible to beginners while still challenging for seasoned players.

In Classic Blackjack, cards 2 through 10 are valued at their face value, face cards (Jack, Queen, King) are valued at 10, and Aces can be either 1 or 11, depending on which value benefits the player’s hand the most. 

This dual nature of the Ace adds a strategic layer to the game, offering flexibility in building winning hands.

A traditional game involves one to seven players against the dealer, with one or more 52-card decks. 

Each player competes individually against the dealer, making strategic decisions based on their hand and the dealer’s visible card, underscoring the importance of understanding both the odds and the gameplay dynamics.

The Rules of Classic Blackjack

The blackjack game begins with each player placing a bet. The dealer then gives two blackjack cards to each player and two to themselves, with one card face up (upcard) and one face down (hole card). This initial deal sets the stage for the players’ subsequent decisions.

Players have several options:

  • Hit: Take another card to try to improve the hand.
  • Stand: Keep the current hand and end their turn.
  • Double Down: Double the bet in exchange for one additional card.
  • Split: If the initial two cards are of the same value, split them into two separate hands, with an additional bet for the new hand.
  • Insurance: If the dealer’s upcard is an Ace, players can take insurance, a side bet protecting against the dealer having Blackjack.

The dealer reveals the hole card after players have made their decisions. By rule, the dealer must hit on 16 or less and stand on all 17s, including soft 17s (a hand featuring an Ace valued as 11).

Differences Between Classic Blackjack and Other Variants

  • Number of Decks: Classic Blackjack can be played with one to eight decks, while some variants, like Single Deck Blackjack, use only one.
  • Dealer’s Play on Soft 17: In Classic Blackjack, the dealer stands on all 17s. Some variants require the dealer to hit on a soft 17, affecting strategy and the house edge.
  • Doubling Down: Classic Blackjack typically allows doubling down on any two cards, whereas some variants may restrict this option to certain totals.
  • Splitting Rules: Variants may differ in how many times players can split and on which values. Classic Blackjack usually allows splitting any pair.
  • Surrender Option: Not all blackjack variants offer the surrender option, whereas it’s sometimes available in Classic Blackjack, allowing players to forfeit half their bet after the initial deal.
  • Side Bets: Many variants introduce side bets that aren’t typically found in Classic Blackjack, adding extra layers of betting and potential winnings.

Tips in Playing Classic Blackjack

Tips in Playing American Blackjack

  • Learn Basic Strategy: Memorise the optimal actions for any hand against any dealer upcard to minimise the house edge.
  • Avoid Insurance Bets: Insurance typically offers poor value for the player and increases the house edge.
  • Manage Your Bankroll: Set limits for wins and losses and stick to them to ensure you play within your means.
  • Use the Surrender Option Wisely: Only surrender when your chances of winning the hand are less than 25%, such as when you have a 16 against a dealer’s 9, 10, or Ace.
  • Practice Card Counting in Appropriate Settings: While challenging and not suitable for online play, card counting can give you an edge in live casino settings.
  • Be Mindful of Table Rules and Variations: Even minor rule changes can affect your strategy and the game’s house edge.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Classic Blackjack

Classic blackjack offers the following advantages and disadvantages for players:


✅Low House Edge: With optimal basic strategy, Classic Blackjack offers one of the lowest house edges among casino games.

✅Strategic Depth: The game rewards skill and strategic play, offering a greater sense of control over the outcome.

✅Simplicity: The rules are straightforward and easier to grasp compared to more complicated variants.

✅Wide Availability: Classic Blackjack is readily available in both physical and online casinos.

✅Suitable for All Budgets: A wide range of betting options makes it accessible for casual players and high rollers alike.


❌Requires Learning Strategy: To fully benefit from the low house edge, players must invest time in learning and practising strategy.

❌No Guarantee of Winning: Like all casino games, there’s no strategy that guarantees winning over the short term.

❌Card Counting Not Always Feasible: In many settings, especially online, card counting is impractical or impossible.

❌Risk of Chasing Losses: The game’s fast pace can lead players to chase their losses, potentially leading to problem gambling behaviours.

How to Play Classic Blackjack

How to Play Classick Blackjack

Go to BP9 Casino

First, ensure you’re playing on a reputable online blackjack sites and casino that offers Classic Blackjack. If BP9 is your choice, go to its website and find the Blackjack section.


Place Your Bet

Before any cards are dealt, each player places their bet on the table in their designated betting area.


Place Initial Deal

 The dealer shuffles the cards (one to eight decks) and deals two cards to each player and to themselves. Players’ cards are usually dealt face up; the dealer has one card face up (upcard) and one card face down (hole card).


Decide Your Action

Choose whether to Hit, Stand, Double Down, Split, or Surrender.


Hole Card Reveal

After all players have acted, the dealer reveals their hole card. The dealer must hit on totals of 16 or less and stand on totals of 17 or more (including soft 17, depending on the casino rules).


Claim Payouts

If your hand is closer to 21 than the dealer’s or the dealer busts and you do not, you win and are paid out based on your bet. If the dealer’s hand is closer to 21 than yours, or you bust, you lose your bet.


The number of decks used in Classic Blackjack can vary. Most casinos use between one and eight decks. Fewer decks generally benefit the player, slightly decreasing the house edge.

Learn the value of the cards and the objective of getting closer to 21 than the dealer without busting. Familiarise yourself with the terms hit, stand, double down, and split. Start with a basic blackjack strategy chart, which guides you on when to hit, stand, double down, or split based on your hand and the dealer’s upcard.